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 Petition for Implementing a 20 mph Zone in New Bradwell

Dear Residents of New Bradwell,

The New Bradwell Parish Council is reaching out to seek your support in an important initiative that aims to enhance the safety and well-being of our community.

We are submitting an application to the Milton Keynes City Council requesting the implementation of a 20 mph speed limit zone in New Bradwell. The safety of our residents, especially pedestrians and cyclists, is our top priority, and we believe that a reduced speed limit will contribute significantly to achieving this goal.

New Bradwell is a vibrant and close-knit community, and we want to ensure that our streets are safe for everyone. By introducing a 20 mph speed limit, we aim to create a safer environment for pedestrians, cyclists, and all road users. Slower speeds not only reduce the severity of accidents but also promote a more pleasant and livable community.

We understand that your support is crucial in making this initiative a reality. To demonstrate the collective desire for safer streets in New Bradwell, we urge you to sign our petition. Your signature will serve as a powerful statement, reinforcing the importance of this matter to our community.

You can find the petition at, or alternatively, we will be distributing paper copies throughout the neighborhood. Your support will be instrumental in presenting a compelling case to the Milton Keynes City Council.
Your support will be instrumental in presenting a compelling case to the Milton Keynes City Council.

Let's work together to make New Bradwell a safer place for all. By signing the petition, you are not only advocating for a 20 mph speed limit but also contributing to the overall well-being and unity of our community.

Thank you for your time, and we look forward to your support.


New Bradwell Parish Council
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