New Bradwell is a mainly Edwardian era village, modern district and civil parish in north-west Milton Keynes, Buckinghamshire, England. With the Grand Union Canal passing through to our local stores and school, there's something for all of our 3000 plus residents in New Bradwell.
Role of the Parish Council
Local or Parish Councils are the first tier of local government and play a vital role in engaging with local people and helping to shape their communities. They are generally referred to as local councils or parish and town councils and are uniquely placed to make a major contribution to localism.
Milton Keynes has 48 parishes each with its own governing body. These include 32 Parish Councils, 7 Town Councils, 2 Community Councils and 7 Parish Meetings.
Each Local Council is a corporate body, a legal entity separate from that of its members. It is an elected body in the first tier of local government and the decisions are the responsibility of the whole body. Local councils have the legal power to take action, but they have very few duties and greater freedom to choose the communities they serve and improve the quality of life and the local environment. Furthermore they influence other decision makers and can, in many cases, deliver services to meet local needs.
How are we funded?
The council has been granted powers by Parliament including the important authority to raise money through taxation (the precept) and a range of powers to spend public money. Part of your council tax goes to your local parish or town council. The parish council must prepare a budget each year which will cover all necessary expenditure and then the parish council set their precept, which is the total amount they raise through council tax to meet their budget needs. Information on your council tax can be found on the Council Tax information page.
Local councils may also apply for a range of grants from various sources such as lottery funding for a number of specific purposes. Grants can be a useful addition to council income, or can enable projects that may not otherwise be possible. These could range from a grant towards a new playground or the village hall, to a large Heritage Lottery Fund application to purchase and restore a significant community asset.
Parish and town councils represent the community, deliver some services to meet local needs and improving quality of life and community well-being. By providing and maintaining a variety of local services including allotments, car parks, events and festivals, leisure and sports facilities, tourist activities, youth projects and community centres / halls to name a few may also raise additional income and many parish and town councils raise income derived from rents and leases of property they may own. Raising income is a financial responsibility of parishes to reduce the burden on the tax payer and placing it directly on end users.
What do we do?
Parish and town councils make all kinds of decisions on issues that affect the local community. Central Government is encouraging local councils to deliver more services and play a greater part in their communities. Parish and town councils have a variety of powers and duties given to them by Acts of Parliament. However not all parish and town councils use all of their powers. Each parish or town council is an individual governing body.
Are you interested in becoming a Parish Councillor?
If you have an interest in New Bradwell, want to make it better for you and fellow residents, and have a few hours a month free to volunteer then why not put yourself forward? To be eligible you must..
- Be at least 18 years old
- Be a British citizen, an eligible Commonwealth citizen or a citizen of any other member state of the European Union
- Meet at least one of the following criteria..
- You have occupied any land or other premises as owner or tenant in New Bradwell, or live within 3 miles
- Your main or only place of work is in New Bradwell
If you are interested, please drop us an email on with your details and we will get back to you with the next steps!
Unfortunately you will not be eligible if you have been declared bankrupt within the last 5 years, or have been convicted of a criminal offence and sentenced to 3 months imprisonment or more within the last 5 years, or are disqualified for any other reason under the Representation of the People Act 1983 or the Audit Commission Act.
Contact Us
- 01908 313602
- Office Hours Mon - Fri 10am - 1pm
- Unit 10 New Bradwell Workspace, St James Street, New Bradwell, Milton Keynes, MK13 0BL
- Simon Clawson (Chair)
- Tina Strutton (Vice-Chair)
- Nicola Coxon
- Hannah Clawson (Vincent)
- Alan Francis
- Sarah Barby
- Germaine Newnham - Clerk
- Tahnee Campbell - Office Administration Assistant
- David Barnes - Environmental Officer